about me

Lost Girls, Meghan Methe 2013

Again, hi I’m Virginia! I grew up in the south and at a young age discovered astrology and was fascinated by the possibilities. As someone who closely identifies with their sun sign, modern or pop astrology always spoke to me on a more personal level than it does with some people. I could see myself in the descriptions of a Pisces sun, I loved my Aries moon, but that’s about as far as I went. 

After finishing a BFA in painting and printmaking, I moved to New Orleans in about 2010. In this city was exposed to the world of tarot for the first time. I was enchanted with the mystical practice and tradition of reading cards and received guidance and training from people I consider wise mentors in my journey. Learning the connections between astrology and tarot renewed my endeavors in learning more about astrology and how they connected with the card work. I continued to focus on my artwork during this time but started to take on tarot clients and explore more about my own birth chart and those of my friends and family. I began reading books about astrology, to be honest a bit haphazardly, but I found myself primarily reading evolutionary and spiritual astrology texts during this time.

Life and a growing family have since brought me to Seattle where astrology continues to occupy my mind and free time. I continue to grow my astrology library and read as much as I can about the functioning of astrology in our lives. I continue to gain knowledge of the specific aspects in my birth chart and those of people close to me. Through this basic study I’m continually surprised and impressed at how astrology has again and again mirrored the events that occur in our lives.I have long since abandoned the pop descriptions of sun signs as the primary descriptor of a personality as well as some of the evolutionary aspects that I studied previously 

The Lovers, Virginia Slay 2015

For me, I have found that traditional astrology methods work more practically and usefully in my readings. I use traditional planetary rulership of the signs, so I leave the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto out of sign rulership although I do consider them in the transit work and how they aspect in the natal chart. I also use whole sign division of houses and a more traditional lean toward house definition. I am always continuing my studies and have lately been focusing on ancient Hellenistic astrology methods but this is not the primary source of my influence. I think a fusion of modern and ancient is the best way to view the natal chart. We should be aware of traditions that came before us but keep our information in the current time frame. If all of this sounds like greek to you don’t worry! It won’t prevent you having a meaningful and effective reading, but for those who have a general understanding of astrology I feel that it’s important to let you know what tools and pathways I use in my work!

I have continued to practice and develop my tarot work in the light of my current astrology studies, and I’m available to do card readings in the Seattle area. Because of the energetic nature of tarot I find the results not as effective when completed remotely. But for the astrology readings I am available in person or via webcam. If you would prefer a written reading we can discuss that as well! Be sure to reach out through my contact form and we can figure out which method works best for your reading! I would love to answer any other questions you have for me and I can’t wait to hear from you!

Almost all of the paintings on my site were painted by me, mostly from a 2015 series I completed around the tarot. The portrait of me on this page however was created by my dear, talented friend Meghan Methe. Click on the picture to see some of her other amazing work. I occasionally take painting requests also if you have an idea I’m into so feel free to message me. 

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