astrology consultations

In my study and practice of astrology I have encountered an unparalleled resource for self awareness and awakening in the information the natal chart provides. The science of study and astrology dates back to some of the earliest records of modern civilization we have and I feel privileged to be a part of that continuing tradition. 

Every individual’s chart illustrates a precise celestial map of the exact position of the planets and luminaries at the moment of birth. Every single chart is unique, even twins can have greatly differing natal readings as the aspects can change in a matter of minutes. If you hold at all that as organisms in the universe we are affected by the cosmos just as the oceans waves are affected by the phases of the moon, then astrology is something you should explore!


The chart gives us insight into our personal strengths and challenges, it indicates the path of career we might take, and what we look for in a romantic partner. Transit reports as well serve with the natal chart as a map to watch for life’s big events or moments of challenge. There is such a vast wealth of knowledge that can be gleaned in astrology past one’s sun sign, or even placements for an ascendent, sun, and moon which most people with a passing interest in astrology know these days. But if you’ve ever found yourself staring at your chart trying to make sense of the angles and houses it’s time to get a reading! 

That’s where I come in. Through my passion and continuous study of astrology and its concepts I will serve as a tour guide and translator through the intricacies of your chart. This will give you a better knowledge of how you exist in the world, looking at the integral structures that you have always carried with you to see how you might bring these energies to work more completely for you in your future.

how it works

Sometimes there is the question of how to start or what questions to ask when you’re thinking about starting a reading. Usually there is some specific life event or question that’s bringing you to seek out astrology and I encourage everyone to share that with me to start! There is an immense amount of information that can be derived from the natal chart and it’s good to have a starting point to get a reading started whether its a relationship, job change, big move, family matter, etc. I will share what I see in the chart but I am not a medical professional or psychologist and any advice I may suggest should be taken with that in mind. You can choose from any of the options below! If you have never had an astrology reading before or if you are a beginner to astrology I would suggest starting with the natal reading before moving onto the other options. 

One thing that’s required for a successful chart reading is an accurate birth time. An estimate just won’t give you the accuracy that you need to get the best information out of your chart. If you aren’t confident that your birth time is accurate then it might be a good time to consult with family for a look at a birth certificate or some other record. This may seem arbitrary but again 4 minutes can have a huge effect on how I’m able to interpret your chart information.

zodiacal offerings

natal chart reading

$95 approximately 60 minutes

The natal chart is the most comprehensive picture of your individual planetary positions and important significators from the moment of birth. Again this is the perfect option for your first consultation and will give you a complete picture of the patterns and themes in your life and personality. You will get the most out of this reading if you come ready to ask questions and participate in the give and take of the process. I will study and plan with your chart beforehand but I expect the path to diverge in our discussion which is one of the beautiful parts of the process. 

transit reading

$50 approximately 30-45 minutes (can be combined with natal chart for $125)

If things have been difficult or confusing or you just want to check in and see what the planets have in store for you over the next few months to a year, or to check in a transit that may have just past, this is a great reading for you! The planets never stop moving and their current placements line up and energize our natal planets in unique and dramatic ways as each day passes. Some of these transits are brief while others last for months or even years and may have a heavy impact over our lives. It’s always good to be aware of these movements so things don’t catch us by surprise or so we can help make positive energies work to our advantage. Can be combined to the natal reading for a reduced price!

Check back for more updates soon!

birth chart information

Month Day & Year
City, State
Exact to the minute!
Let me know what areas of your life you'd like to investigate (relationship, family, job, school, friends etc) and anything else you'd like me to know!
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